Shattered Hearts Revived

“It is difficult to put into words everything that my experience with Carin and her caring heart has meant to me. But here goes. Carin's personal experience, specialized training, and willingness to deal with a very painful reality in my life has earned her a special place in my heart forever! She has helped me make informed decisions. And she has become a trusted guide, providing truthful, subject-specific information and clarity to a very murky place in my heart and mind. She helped me to feel safe. Her help in dealing with my husband's addiction and the accompanying trauma is an answer to prayer. With her, I learned my husband's addiction isn't a reflection of my worth. I didn't "cause" his addiction, it wasn't even about me. She is willing to sit with me in my pain. She taught me to identify and feel my feelings. She helped me develop enough courage to face my (painful) reality. She walked with me to heal multiple deep layers of trauma. She helped me regain my voice. She taught me about self care and provided other exercises, and resources that have aided in my recovery. Her encouragement to look at the ongoing "post traumatic growth" has restored a level of hope that I think would ever exist again. God has used her in my life as an invaluable tool for my healing”
Every Testimony is a Doorway into Hope
Others have gone before you on this journey. Their invitation is:
"Come follow in our footsteps. We were in pain and hopeless too."