Shattered Hearts Revived
Therapeutic Interventions
I utilize therapeutic interventions instead of talk therapy to help individuals process their pain on a deeper level and overcome obstacles. I have completed training to implement these interventions effectively​
Sand Tray Work
Sand tray therapy is a form of counseling. People are invited to create three-dimensional pictures in sand trays, using miniature objects or figures to assist them in a deeper exploration of trauma or other burdens. It is an expressive, non-verbal, creative approach that can be used with people of all ages
Brainspotting - Certified
Brainspotting is a powerful treatment method for addressing emotional and physical pain, trauma, and challenging symptoms. I also trained in Brainspotting for Addiction and Substance Abuse.
EFT tapping, also known as the Emotional Freedom Technique, is a method for reducing psychological distress. It involves self-stimulating acupoints on the face and upper body while focusing on body sensations or distressing thoughts and feelings.
Individual Therapy
Individual therapy allows me as a therapist to help an individual work through their thoughts, concerns, emotions, and situations.
Couples Counselling
I have training in the Gottman Method for Couples Therapy, including additional training for working with couples in addiction recovery. Additionally, I have training in the ERCEM model (Early Recovery Couples Empathy Model) to help couples heal when habitual or compulsive use of pornography has affected their marriage.
Women Recovering from Betrayal Trauma
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“We can’t choose to vanish the dark, but we can choose to kindle the light.”
― Edith Eger, The Choice